Les correspondances des temps (style direct/indirect)

Le tableau ci-dessous vous montre quel temps choisir quand le temps de la proposition principale est au prétérit : he said, he asked, etc ...

Style direct 
Style indirect
présent simple
"I'm late" he said
He said he was late.
présent en BE + V-ing
"I'm working" he said
prétérit en BE + V-ing
He said he was working.
"I'll come" he said
He said he would come.
Valeur fréquentative:
"At the time I often saw her with her brother" he said 
"I didn't phone because the phone was out of order
Subordonnées de temps:
  "I met her once when I was in London" he said

He said at that time he often saw her with her brother.

He said he hadn't phoned because the phone was out of order

He said he had met her once when he was in London

prétérit (événement individuel)
"I left at six " he said
pluperfect (had + p.p.)
He said he had left at six
prétérit en BE + V-ing

"I was working at six" he said

pluperfect en BE + V-ing
(had + been + V-ing)
He said he had been working at six.
  Present  Perfect 
"I've lost my book" he said 
pluperfect (had + p.p.)
He said he had lost his book.
          Pluperfect   (rare)
"I had forgotten" he said
He said he had forgotten.

  N.B.  1) "must" peut rester inchangé en style indirect, (signe que l'obligation est acceptée par
                le sujet grammaticale ou par le sujet énonciateur)
           2) Un verbe peut rester au présent quand il s'agit d'une vérité générale.

Les indicateurs de temps sont modifiés

             the day before/the previous day
 The day after/the following day/the next day
  That day
 At that moment/then

Exemple: "I arrived yesterday" he said   =   He said he had arrived the day before.