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       … it worked well. ,both in terms of vocabulary comprehension, grammar (prediction and the future) and expression.
 I started by sending my pupils on the net, to a site called "intellicast.com", about weather forecasts in the world.Then, working in pairs, they chose a continent, and a city in one given country.They had to find the weather forecast for the next days, and recap it on a chart I had prepared.They of course had to deal with C° and F° ,which provided me a link to the Physics lesson.Then, and it was for me the most interesting part of it, they had to prepare a weather forecast for their classmates  as an oral report. Everyone had then the weather for the 5 continents,and I then revised the superlatives with "the hottest"....
 I found it interesting because I mixed everything and they liked it because they played it, and discovered about strange areas.
 Well I hope my small contribution will sound interesting,
 Bye ,
Aline Peluchon ,from Oleron Island

Words - Grammar - Links - Lessons - Civilization - Trips to Britain - Odds 'n ends -
Only joking - News - School links - Exercises - Post Office - Guest book