Words - Grammar - Links - Lessons - Civilization - Trips to Britain - Odds 'n ends -
Only joking - News - School links - Exercises - Post Office - Guest book


This is the page for sharing lessons and ideas, so feel free to write (in English or in French) with any ideas, or techniques that you have  used in the classroom with interesting results. 


I'll start the ball rolling with ...

"Video techniques in the classroom" 
"Teaching the Present Perfect with video"
"How to speak English - 100% success rate"
Video sequence - "Mr Bean at the restaurant"
The Titanic  (simple and continuous past)
Lessons with songs
A lesson on the net with Aline Peluchon

Words - Grammar - Links - Lessons - Civilization - Trips to Britain - Odds 'n ends -
Only joking - News - School links - Exercises - Post Office - Guest book