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... makes me think of snow, snow, snow ..... yes, definitely, snow.

WHITE denotes purity, simplicity, and candour; innocence, truth, and hope.

White is for mourning in China and Japan.

A white flag is the universal symbol for truce.

"White heat" is a state of intense enthusiasm, anger, devotion, or passion.

A "white sale" is a sale of sheets, towels and other bed and bath items.

"to white-wash" is to gloss over defects or make something presentable that isn't.

A "whiteout" occurs when there is zero visibility during a blizzard.

"lily white" - of great purity and delicacy.

"whiter than white" = too pure to be true, hypocritical.

"to bleed someone white" -  to extort all of someone's money, to overcharge grossly for a service.

"a white lie" - a harmless or well-intentioned lie.

"as white as a sheet" - in a state of very great fear.

"to show the white feather"  - to act in a cowardly way.

"a white elephant" - a very big and useless possession which costs a lot of money to maintain, and may prove to be a source of financial ruin.

"white horses" - white waves

"white trash" - white people living in the southern states of America after the Civil War, who were as destitute as the blacks, and were treated with the same contempt.

"a white-collar worker" - a professional or office worker.

"white lightening" is slang for moonshine, a homebrewed alcohol.

"a white knight" is a rescuer.

"A white list" contains favoured items (as opposed to a blacklist).

"a white harvest" - a late harvest.

"a white night" - a sleepless night.

Days marked with a "white stone" - days to be marked with gratification.

"a whited sepulchre" - a hypocrite, especially one who conceals wickedness under a cloak of virtue.

"white-livered" - cowardly ( as "yellow-livered")

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